Volunteers' Week
Posted: 2 June 2020 4:56 pm.

Volunteers’ Week reminds us all to take the time to say thank you to the millions of volunteers who give their time to improve the lives of their friends and neighbours. From trustees to fundraisers and mentors to befrienders, thank you all for making our communities a happier place to be.
Here at Stepping Stone Projects we have been extremely fortunate to benefit from a wide range of fantastic volunteers. Our Board of Trustees all give their time freely and are responsible for overall governance and we have a range of opportunities for volunteers to support our work both on a regular basis but also to assist with one-off projects.
We also have a number of colleagues who first entered the homelessness sector as volunteers including two of our current Operations Managers Debbie McClelland and Sarah Shorrock - please click on their respective name to read their story.
Volunteering at Stepping Stone Projects is a great way to learn new skills, gain experience and meet new people whilst doing something positive within the community.
Please click here to find details of how to volunteer and what opportunities are available to you.
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