Volunteering case study: Sarah Shorrock

Posted: 2 June 2020 4:45 pm.

Sarah achieves her ambition through volunteering

Sarah Shorrock knows first-hand how important the support offered by Stepping Stone Projects is as she became homeless at the age of 16.

From her own experiences, Sarah felt passionate about getting involved with a homelessness charity in order to give something back.

Sarah started volunteering with Stepping Stone Projects in 2013. She was part of the floating support service we used to run in Blackburn, which helped people who are at risk of becoming homeless, and offered advice and signposting on money management, budgeting and debt management.

As well as her volunteering work, Sarah was studying for a degree and working in a mental health setting.

Sarah gave up volunteering to start a family and finish her studies however she returned to Stepping Stone in 2015 as a Supported Housing Worker on one of our young people’s services in Lancashire.

Since then Sarah has worked on a number of services with Stepping Stone, including a secondment with Lancashire County Council, working with different groups of people and gaining a wide variety of experience.

Sarah has recently been promoted to Operations Manager, running the Lancashire Dispersed Service and a scheme in Burnley for people aged 16-21.

Sarah said: “I’m so happy to have this position with Stepping Stone Projects. I’ve gone from always wanting to be involved in supporting people at risk of homelessness to now managing a service.

“Volunteering was my route into this work, as it gave me the experience I needed. Without experience it’s more of a challenge to get the role you want.

“Giving up your time to volunteer not only benefits the charity and people you’re working with, but there is a lot to be gained personally.”

Volunteers are vital for Stepping Stone Projects. They enable us to provide a wide range of services and there are lots of ways to get involved.

To find out more, please click here.

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