Covid-19 (Coronavirus) customer update

Posted: 24 March 2020 12:45 pm.

As I am sure you are all aware, the Government updated their advice yesterday evening. Put simply the latest advice is “Stay At Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives”.

The Government’s Stay at Home instructions are simple.

Stay at home to stop the coronavirus spreading

Everyone must stay at home to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

This includes people of all ages – even if you do not have any symptoms or other health conditions.

You can only leave your home:

  • to shop for basic essentials – only when you really need to
  • to do one form of exercise a day – such as a run, walk or cycle, alone or with other people you live with
  • for any medical need – for example, to visit a pharmacy or deliver essential supplies to a vulnerable person
  • to travel to and from work – but only where this is absolutely necessary

Having looked at the details of essential key work we believe our colleagues are classed as key workers as we provide accommodation and support for homeless people.

Whilst we have already arranged for the vast majority of colleagues to work remotely, for the time being we are still maintaining a minimum and isolated presence for 1 emergency worker to provide vital security and health and safety services at some of our offices. However please note that all of our offices will remain closed to customers and anyone from external agencies or other partners as per last week's advice.

Please click here to access detailed advice on "Shielding" which the Government has published for those members of society with underlying health conditions that make them most at risk of the effects of Coronavirus.

Your Support Worker should have already identified if you fall into one of these categories however we will be continuing to call all customers daily so please ask if you require any further support or guidance.

We want to thank all colleagues for their continued efforts in supporting our vulnerable customers and ensuring they are as safe as we can make them. This really is essential work at this time of national crisis.

Finally, please heed the latest Government advice, stay home (if you can) and stay safe.

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