Rochdale Safer Communities

The Rochdale Safer Communities service (previously known as CDOT) offers supported accommodation for single people aged 18 and over who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and have a history of offending and substance misuse.

What the service delivers

The service consists of 10 self-contained fully furnished dispersed properties within the Rochdale community.

Our dedicated team work with customers on a one-to-one basis to deliver a package of support that is specific to individual needs. Colleagues specialise in delivering housing-related support but will work with a variety of specialist service providers in order to deliver a coordinated approach for customers who have additional support needs.

Who is eligible for the service?

The Rochdale Safer Communities service is for single homeless people (male and female) in need of both housing-related support and high-level complex needs support with a history of offending and substance misuse. Customers must be aged 18 and over with a local connection to Rochdale.

What support will customers receive?

At the move-in stage, the allocated Resettlement Worker will complete an induction programme with each new customer. Following this, they will arrange an appointment with the customer to agree upon a support plan, which is devised and agreed with the customer, resettlement worker and any other agencies that the customer would like to be involved.

Support that can be offered, includes:

  • Provision of a seamless transition for clients released from prison assisting with a successful integration into society.
  • Advice on housing rights and responsibilities.
  • Support to develop the skills and capacity needed to meet their obligations as a tenant.
  • Support accessing specialist agencies particularly community services that will support their recovery from substance misuse.
  • Support in applying for benefits, grants and loans (including help with forms).
  • Support to assist individuals with budgeting, paying bills and managing debts etc.
  • Joint working with specialist support services/agencies, particularly Renaissance and probation services.
  • Support in accessing employment, voluntary work opportunities, training and education.
  • Help building self-confidence.
  • Support to develop independent living skills, including in a shared environment.
  • Help to access and maintain suitable long-term accommodation when the customer is ready to move on.

How to access the service

Referrals to the scheme must be made via Renaissance (Community Drug and Alcohol Outreach Team) who can be contacted on 01706 924883. You can also contact our Central Referral Team on 01706 359600 or via e-mail at if you would like to discuss the service.

Once a referral form is received, we will arrange a Needs Assessment interview with the applicant; if they meet the criteria they will be placed on the waiting list.

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